Mark 16:15 And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Account:Myjeek's Site: Your Message
Unique:1007 Timezone:GMT+0
Total visits:1162 Created:Sat Nov 27 04:03:45 1999
Start count at:0 Last reset:Sat Nov 27 04:03:45 1999
Today:181 Last hit:Sun Dec 5 06:25:19 1999
Yesterday:143 Current time:Sun Dec 5 06:28:45 1999
Average/day:128 Domain:.NET Networks (43%)
This month:827 OS:Windows 98 (58%)
No JavaScript:57 (5%) Browser:Internet Explorer 5.x (33%)
JavaScript <1.2:41 (4%) Resolution:800x600 (61%)
JavaScript 1.2+:1064 (92%) Color Depth:65K (16bit) (55%)
Java enable:1012 (87%) Search engine:
Java disable:52 (4%) Own referrer:http:// (0%)
Java unknown:98 (8%) Own (5%)

My goal is for Your Message to be seen by one million or more people from as many countries as possible. Please help me reach my goal by sending the page to somebody you know.
Thank You

What part of the world are they coming from ?
Top-domains (Countries):
Networks (.NET) 501 (43%)
Commercial (.COM) 263 (22%)
Unknown (.???) 157 (13%)
Educational (.EDU) 54 (4%)
SAUDI ARABIA (.SA) 36 (3%)
CANADA (.CA) 35 (3%)
AUSTRALIA (.AU) 33 (2%)
United Kingdom (.UK) 15 (1%)
NEW ZEALAND (.NZ) 6 (0%)
MALAYSIA (.MY) 6 (0%)
IRELAND (.IE) 5 (0%)
US Dept of Defense (.MIL) 4 (0%)
SINGAPORE (.SG) 4 (0%)
GERMANY (.DE) 3 (0%)
HONG KONG (.HK) 2 (0%)
NIUE (.NU) 2 (0%)
THAILAND (.TH) 2 (0%)
NORWAY (.NO) 2 (0%)
Organizations (.ORG) 2 (0%)
ESTONIA (.EE) 1 (0%)
FINLAND (.FI) 1 (0%)
AUSTRIA (.AT) 1 (0%)
PAKISTAN (.PK) 1 (0%)
BAHAMAS (.BS) 1 (0%)
BULGARIA (.BG) 1 (0%)
JAPAN (.JP) 1 (0%)
US Government (.GOV) 1 (0%)
MEXICO (.MX) 1 (0%)
CHINA (.CN) 1 (0%)

Send Your Message to somebody.

My hope and prayer is that people will come to know Jesus Christ and find a new life in Him.
God Bless